Brewery Terra Firma had been on my must-see list since I heard an interview they did with the Brewing Network podcast “The Session”. Angie and I were on our way to the Boyne Falls region of north Michigan for the weekend to attend a friend’s wedding. We left early on Friday so we could have a chance to sample a few breweries while we were that far north. Terra Firma was our first stop, and we loved it. The concept is an sustainable agricultural brewery, they grow a significant amount of the brewing ingredients and they’ve developed methods to reduce waste that other breweries are learning from. I wish we could have spent a little more time there, but the traffic was worse than we expected and we had places to be (we still snuck in one more stop). I really enjoyed our flight of samples, but most memorable was probably the Little Italy Honey Basil Ale; a session ale brewed with local sweet basil and local honey.
Brewery Terra Firma